Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine with a 225 year history. A homeopath is like a health detective, asking about a person’s physical, mental and emotional symptoms in order to find suitable remedies which will get to the root cause of their health issues. Suggested remedies are tailored to an individual’s unique symptom set, therefore homeopathy is based on the person instead of their disease. Homeopathy gently reminds the body how to heal itself, which provides an overall improvement to health.
About Homeopathy
How does homeopathy work?
If the check engine light were to come on in your car, would you take out the light bulb so the light goes off and say it’s fixed, or would you take it to a mechanic to resolve the problem? A homeopath is like the mechanic. Homeopathy looks for the root cause of the problem to prevent recurrence and help an individual achieve their optimal level of health. There are over 3000 remedies, many with similar symptoms, so it’s imperative to give a homeopath as much detail as possible.
What are the remedies made of?
The remedies are either in liquid form, sugar pillules or lactose tablets. Homeopathic remedies are completely natural and made of plants, flowers, minerals, animals and insects. Please inform Sarah if you have any allergies, or are vegetarian/vegan so that she can adjust your prescription as necessary.
Examples of what homeopathy is used for
Peri/Pre-menopause, Menopause and post-menopause
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Fertility issues
Male and female
Irritable bowel syndrome
Long term COVID
Pregnancy Symptoms
i.e. morning sickness
How it works
In the initial consultation, you will be asked questions about your current and past mental/emotional and physical health in order to find the remedy which best suits you. This generally takes 60-75 minutes.
Follow-up sessions are around 30 minutes to review your initial symptoms and check in with your health. Following this, Sarah will take 1-2 days to consider the most suitable remedy and advise you where to purchase it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Homeopathy does not interact with pharmaceutical medications. It may be that after some time, you choose to visit your prescribing Dr to determine if the medications are still necessary. This is completely your and your prescribing physician’s decision. Sarah does not consult or advise about pharmaceutical medications. This is your journey and it’s important that you do what feels comfortable and right for you.
Depending on the presenting issue, you may be asked to journal or track your symptoms. Sarah will discuss how this can be done in a way that works for you.
This depends on each individual and what their presenting symptoms are. For chronic cases, typically a patient is seen once a month for the first three to six months. After this, it will be every two - three months. Depending on the symptoms, a patient generally sees a homeopath for 6-24 months.
Reach out by email or Whatsapp during office hours. If there’s an emergency, contact information is listed on both the email and WhatsApp or alternatively, you can see your GP. Short questions by texts are free of charge, phone conversations or short Zoom calls will be charged depending on the length.
Generally, patients report an improvement in sleep and overall energy, prior to symptoms subsiding.
There are no side effects to remedies. Sometimes patients experience a return of old symptoms, which is a sign the remedies are working. These will either disappear on their own or can be managed with other remedies if bothersome.
Chronic consultations are when a patient has had a condition for six months or longer. A patient may not have a specific complaint, but is looking to improve their overall health and this too would be a chronic consultation.
Acute conditions are ones which have been present for six months or less. Common complaints covered include
COVID, flu, coughs, sore throats, fevers
Stomach bugs
Morning sickness
Sprains and strains
Both homeopathy and naturopathy focus on finding the root cause of the problem. Naturopaths learn the basics about homeopathy on their course, but it is just one method of a wider range of natural remedies and therapies they use with an individual. Homeopathy solely uses diluted natural remedies when working with patients.. Homeopathy training is focused on how remedies work and how they affect the body and mind. Sarah is aware of other therapies and will refer to other modalities, such as acupuncture, osteopathy, physiotherapy and nutritionists, if she feels it will complement homeopathic treatment.
A herbalist is someone who works with herbs and plants in their raw form. Herbs are often good for short term relief and alleviation of symptoms, whilst homeopathic remedies tend to work on a deeper level within the body for longer lasting change.
If seeing a naturopath or herbalist whilst under homeopathic care, Sarah requests that any remedies given are discussed with her as it may impact your individual treatment plan.
For example, let’s say a person sees their Dr with an allergy which causes itchiness on their back. Their Dr may suggest they take an antihistamine. The patient takes the antihistamine, is relieved of their itchiness within 20 minutes, but then also feels drowsy. This is because the medication has gone through the whole body and will distribute histamines in each part of the body, such as the brain, which gives the side effect of sleepiness. Once the antihistamine has worn off, the itching will return. (Lipton, 2015)
Homeopathic remedies pinpoint the area that is affected. In the example above, a homeopath will suggest a remedy that is based on detailed questioning of their overall physical symptoms. The remedy then works with the body to say, “Hey, we’re having a skin reaction on the back, let’s focus on that.” Thereby a person will not feel drowsy as it is pinpointing the issue. It may take longer for the itching to subside completely, but once the remedy has done its job, it is unlikely to return unless exposed to the reason why the itching occurred in the first place.
Initial chat - 20 mins - free
Initial adult consultation - 75 mins - 120€
Initial child consultation - 50 mins 100€
Follow-up adult session - 30 mins - 70€
Follow-up child session - 20-30 minutes 50€
Acute session - 20 mins - 40€ (don't need initial consultation)
Phone calls between sessions €20